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Library catalog for MassCat, a consortium of small libraries in Massachusetts including Pelham. For more information, click here.
Libby using a browser or a mobile app. For details, click here.
The Pelham Library electronic book and audio collection are accessed throughHoopla with movies, TV shows, audiobooks, music, and more. For more information, click here.
Comics Plus with digital comics, graphic novels, and manga from 100+ library-friendly publishers. For more information, click here.
Kanopy with access to films and documentaries, children’s content, and more, 5x/month. For more information, click here.
Wowbrary, you can sign up for a weekly email newsletter about events and new books at the Pelham Library. Sign up here…
WithFacebook page to stay informed of upcoming events.
“Like” the Library’sUPCOMING EVENTS
History of the New England Maple Sugar Harvest, Tuesday, March 25, 7 – 9 p.m. Join museum professional and historian Dennis Picard to learn the history of sugaring in New England. Co-sponsored by the Pelham Historical Society.
Teens & Tweens: Make a Dragon Dice Box, Wednesday, March 26, 4:30 – 6 p.m. Craft a stunning custom dice box with a glass eye and your own needle felted design. For youth 12 and up. Registration required.
Pelham Book Group, Wednesday, April 2, 7 – 9 p.m. This month’s title is How to Find Your Way in the Dark” by Derek Miller. All are welcome and copies are available at the desk.
“Ask a Nurse” with Kirsten Krieger, RN BSN, Friday, April 4, 10:30-noon. Kirsten is a Public Health Nurse for the Quabbin Health District and will be available the first Friday of each month. Details here.
Monthly Community Reiki Share with Kristen Famighette, Tuesday, April 8, 6 – 6:45 p.m. Join for a monthly Reiki circle to share and receive Reiki. Open to practitioners and community members.
State Rep. Aaron Saunders Open Office Hours, Monday, April 14, 2:30-3:30 p.m. Come meet your state representative. Bring your questions and concerns.
Ongoing Events
Music for Little Ones with Wendy Plummer, Mondays, 10:30 – 11 a.m. This event is particularly suited for children from birth through age 5.
Dungeons & Dragons for Neurodiverse Young Adults, Mondays, 5 – 7 p.m. This group is open to young adults 18+ with autism and related neurotypes. Space is limited so let us know if you are interested in joining.
Yoga with Sara Coblyn, Thursdays, 5:30 p.m. No registration required. Come join us! Bring a mat if you have one and wear comfortable clothing. All levels are welcome.
Playgroup & Storytime, Fridays, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Bring your little one for storytime and fun, a different theme every week! This event, sponsored by CES, is open to all parents & caregivers of children from birth-5 and their little ones.
2 South Valley Rd, Pelham, MA 01002
phone: 413-253-0657
email: library.pelham@gmail.com
FAX: 413-253-0594