CLOSED: New Year’s Day
Pelham Library 2 South Valley Road , Pelham, MA, United StatesThe Library will be CLOSED today. Happy New Year!
The Library will be CLOSED today. Happy New Year!
Come out to play with the Wendell Warriors drumming ensemble and led by Jafar Manselle. Jafar will show you how to make different tones on the drum and introduce African […]
In our modern world, mending instead of buying new is a radical act! Come learn hand-sewing techniques that were once part of everyone's skill set, and can be again! Materials […]
Have you ever wondered how to fix that favorite item of clothing but were not quite sure how? Bring it along and find out! Some materials provided, BYO if you […]
This month's title is "The Remains of the Day" by Kazuo Ichiguro. All are welcome and copies are available at the desk.
Join the Friends of the Library for our next meeting. We'll discuss ideas for programming, special events and more. Bring your ideas, energy and a friend!
Has your favorite knife lost its edge? Would you love to get it sharpened and learn more about how to care for your blades so they'll last you a lifetime? […]
Join us for this training with Kristen Kreiger, RN BSN from the Quabbin Health district. Topics covered include: -Understanding what opioids are and why people become addicted. -How to recognize […]