Book Group: “The Last White Man”

Pelham Library 2 South Valley Road , Pelham, MA, United States

This month's title for the Pelham Book Group is "The Last White Man" by Mohsin Hamid. All are welcome and copies are available at the desk. This month's reading is a part of the Libraries in the Woods 2023 Community Read. For more information and other related events visit their Facebook page.

Event Series Yoga with Sara Coblyn

Yoga with Sara Coblyn

Pelham Library 2 South Valley Road , Pelham, MA, United States

NOTE: There is currently a wait list for this class. Join us for an adult vinyassa style yoga class led by Sara Coblyn of Sweet Roots Gardens. Please bring a mat. Register at Space is limited.

Event Series Qigong with Rema Boscov

Qigong with Rema Boscov

Pelham Library 2 South Valley Road , Pelham, MA, United States

Rema Boscov will offer Qigong on Tuesdays from 4-5:15. Qigong (pronounced chee gong), an ancient energy art, is the precursor to Tai Chi, with a focus on health and healing. The movements, sometimes described as moving meditation, are simple, graceful, and easy to learn. Class will be held outside in good weather, or in the […]

Open Mahjong Group

Pelham Library 2 South Valley Road , Pelham, MA, United States

Come play Mahjong with us! We'll meet twice a month in the Ramsdell Room. Beginners are welcome, and if you're not ready to jump in and play you're welcome to watch until you are.

Teen Dungeons & Dragons

Pelham Library 2 South Valley Road , Pelham, MA, United States

Space is very limited. Please call or email if you're interested in joining our ongoing campaign led by Dungeon Master Tony Page.


Pelham Library 2 South Valley Road , Pelham, MA, United States

Teen/Tween Open Game Night

Pelham Library 2 South Valley Road , Pelham, MA, United States

Board games, card games and more! Come play with us. This drop-in event is open to teens and tweens in 7th through 12th grade.

Friends of the Library Meeting

Pelham Library 2 South Valley Road , Pelham, MA, United States

Join the Friends of the Library for our next meeting on Wednesday, June 21 at 7:00 to discuss ideas for programming, special events and more. Bring your ideas, energy and a friend!

BOOK GROUP: Code Girls

Pelham Library 2 South Valley Road , Pelham, MA, United States

This month's title for the Pelham Book Group is "Code Girls" by Liza Mundy. Copies are available at the desk. All are welcome.